Welcome to Whānau Mārama Parenting
Fatherhood take 2

I am going to be a new dad again. I remember I wrote a story about turning back the clock and looking after a baby again, but all I really had to do was wait a bit and my chance appeared. So in about 6 months’ time there will be…

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Everything counts

Quality time can be as long or as little as you can manage, at the end of the day it all counts. But there are a few rules to making a moment, long or short a quality time. Focused attention Make to focus 100% on you children. Whatever we decide…

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Being a Man

When I was 8, my dad was worried that I was too soft. I remember we were at the Marae at a tangi and he woke me up early to go for a ride. We went up the back and arrived at a farm. Since we moved to town when…

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Being a dad to a new born

2am, I hear a cry. I wake up with sleepy eyes and go about helping with the night shift. Usual tasks that I perform are changing his nappy, burping him and making my darling a cup of tea. This is the usual routine that I have been performing with my…

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Adult Misbehaviour

I have been talking this week about quality time and how spending time with our children can help them to be more willing to listen. It’s all related to a bigger picture around relationship. When explaining this theory, I’ve found it’s easier for parents to understand when we use ourselves…

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10 Minutes is enough

I was with my whanau discussing how much time I actually spend with my tamariki each week and the results were very interesting. My day starts by waking up at 7.30am and getting my kids ready for school. I drop them off at 8.30am and pick them up at 5.30pm,…

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9 Years Ago

I wish I had the information about positive parenting 9 years ago. I’m certain I would have been a more patient and encouraging parent. But you can’t turn back the clock. Everything happens for a reason and even this kaupapa couldn’t have happened any other way. The new laws that…

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人类婴儿出生后非常依赖父母。 他们在出生后的头两年经历了极大程度的大脑发育,成长和神经塑形。 婴儿的大脑发育(就像他们的社会,情感和认知发育)取决于与主要照顾者(通常是父母)之间的亲密关系或依恋关系。 越来越多来自发展心理学,神经生物学和动物表观遗传学的研究证据表明,忽视,家长的不一致和缺乏爱可能导致长期的心理健康问题,而且会降低总体潜力和幸福感。 在本文中,作者参考了多个学科中有关这个见解的证据,并得出结论认为,婴儿及其父母在宝宝出生后头两年所能得到的支持是社区公共健康群体的重点目标。


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  1. 在参加Whanau Marama Parenting的这个亲子课程前,你是什么样的家长?



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