Welcome to Whānau Mārama Parenting
Survey results – School vs Parents

We've asked parents from our courses and their friends this question: When teaching our children how to behave, what percentage do you think is the school's responsibility and what is the parents' responsibility? Interestingly, their answers tended to show that for them, parents have more responsibility than school when it…

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当你情绪不好时,你也许想对自己说些什么, 我值得拥有幸福; 我的想法也许是错误的; 当我的想法很消极时,我不会给它关注倾听,我得做其他事情,比如做深呼吸或去喝杯茶; 我消极的情绪会过去。 我不是他们的奴隶; 目前困境只是我人生旅程中的一小部分。 这不是我的终点; 在你进行了自我对话之后,你也许愿意加一句“我做了对的事情,我很棒。”

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“네가 나를 화나게 해”   

By Elizabeth Cameron


오래 전 내가 아이들을 양육할 때 깨닫지 못했던 게 있다.
아이들 때문에 화 나고 짜증 났을 때, 먼저 내가 어떻게 그 스트레스들을 관리해야 되는지 알지 못했고, 어떻게 해야 스스로 침착을 유지할 수 있는 지에 대해 배워 본 적도 없었다. (more…)

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