Parenting Courses
for parents of all cultures
Our Parenting Courses
Whānau Mārama Parenting provides a range of parenting courses for parents and whānau of children/ tamariki aged between birth and the adolescent years. We welcome parents and whānau of all cultures and ethnicities. Some of our courses are available in three languages – English, Mandarin and Korean.
Whānau Mārama Parenting Courses are based on the 6 Principles of Effective Discipline from the Discipline and Guidance of Children: A Summary of Research and also based on four New Zealand publications all which carry strong positive parenting messages.
All of our courses are skills and strategies based, promoting use of non-physical discipline.
We are currently offering the three English courses by Facebook Messenger, from the comfort of your home. These courses are delivered by a parent educator with 30 years experience. If you have any questions about any of these courses, or if you wish to enrol, please find the desired course below and click on either ENQUIRE or ENROL.
Positive Discipline for Under 4's - Online Course in English
You will learn about your child’s brain development, their bonding to you, how to get them to listen, how to effectively manage when they test limits and how to deal with tantrums
Module One: Brain Development and Managing Stress
Module Two: Strengthening the Heart Connection
Module Three: Managing Behaviour
Mutually suitable day and time to be arranged between Parent and Parent Educator. Day time and evening options available. You can begin course at anytime.
Upcoming Online Course
Course coming soon
单元一: 大脑发育,减压策略
单元二: 与宝宝建立关系
单元三: 行为举止的教导
Course coming soon
Course fee: $80 – $100 (each)
Effective Discipline - Online Course in English
You will learn 26 practical skills and strategies of how to positively discipline your child by building a strong relationship with them.
Module One: Understanding our Parenting Style
Module Two: Building relationship with our children and Parental Stress Management
Module Three: Teaching our children how to behave
Mutually suitable day and time to be arranged between Parent and Parent Educator. Day time and evening options available. You can begin course at anytime.
Upcoming Online Course
Course coming soon
单元一:有意识地亲子教育 和情绪管理/减压
单元二: 与孩子建立关系
单元三: 行为举止的教导
Course coming soon
Course fee: $80 – $100 (each)
Parenting Adolescents - Online Course in English
You will learn 23 practical skills and strategies to strengthen your relationship with your teen and help them to be willing to listen to your guidance and consistently take care of their personal responsibilities.
Module One: Understanding our adolescent
Module Two: Parental Stress Management
Module Three: Strengthening our relationship with our adolescent
Module Four: Teaching Behaviour
Mutually suitable day and time to be arranged between Parent and Parent Educator. Day time and evening options available. You can begin course at anytime.
Upcoming Online Course
Course coming soon
单元一: 理解我们的青少年
单元二: 父母的压力(情绪)管理
单元三: 与青少年加强关系
单元四: 行为举止的教导
Course coming soon
Course fee: $80 – $100 (each)