Welcome to Whānau Mārama Parenting





对我们Whanau Marama Parenting 来说,在课程分享后唱首歌,








Te Aroha – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAKlR4PtvIg


Te aroha Love
Te whakapono Faith 信仰
Me te rangimarie and peace 和平
Taatou taatou e together 都在一起
Kia kaha ra Be strong 坚强
Kia manawanui Be patient 耐心
Kia u kia maia Stay the course 坚持这一课程
Taatou taatou e All of us 我们一起



Tai Aroha – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8nZ8FEf6Lk


Ko te aroha anō he wai Love is like water 爱就像流水
E pupū ake ana continually bubbling up 不断有气泡
He awa e māpuna mai ana a spring that will keep flowing 像保持流动的源泉
I roto i te whatu-manawa from within your soul. 来自你的灵魂
Ko te aroha anō he wai Love is like water 爱就像流水
E pupū ake ana continually bubbling up 不断有气泡
He awa e māpuna mai ana a spring that will keep flowing 像保持流动的装置
I roto i te whatu-manawa from within your soul. 来自你的灵魂
Ko tōna mātāpuna he hōhonu Its source is deep within 它的源头深深处于其中
Ā inā ia ka rere anō it has a soothing effect 它有着舒缓的作用
Ko tōna mātāpuna he hōhonu Its source is deep within 它的源头深深处于其中
Ā inā ia ka rere anō it has a soothing effect 它有着舒缓的作用
He tai timu an ebb tide 退潮一次
He tai pari an incoming tide 涨潮一次
He tai ope a forceful tide 一次强烈的潮汐
He tai roa a long-lasting tide 一次持久的潮汐
He tai nui ~ a full tide. 一次完满的潮汐
He tai nui ~ a full tide. 一次完满的潮汐
He tai nui a full tide. 一次完满的潮汐




Tutira Mai Nga Iwi – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw9W6nWBoME


This Loving Heart – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYmhRDYJLes

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