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The Young Dolphin Story

A reporter had been assigned the story by his editor. Human interest story. Kids, dolphins. You know, are they intelligent, aren’t they cute. But this guy really wasn’t interested in the story and resented having to do it. He was someone to whom the concept of intelligence in dolphins was…

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The Value of a Hug

A well know family therapist, Virginia Satir, goes as far as to say that, “Hugging is healthy. It helps the body’s immune system, keeps you healthier, cures depression, reduces stress, and induces sleep. It is invigorating and rejuvenating. Hugging significantly increases your body’s production of endorphins.” She simplifies it in…

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The Power of Words

Words can be creative. They can build, restore, liberate, soothe, heal, teach, instruct, empower and bring into being what was not there before. Words can be destructive, rip down, hurt, upset, and cause despair and damage to relationships as well as a whole lot more. As parents, what we say…

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Suzie Jane

This is a true story of a young child’s effort to survive in the first few months of her life and the resulting lifelong impact it has had on her struggle to not over- eat during the tough times in her life. The Brain Wave Trust organization state that the…

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Staying Calm with Kids

One of the most useful skills to have as parents is the ability to be able to calm down or de-stress. Staying calm with our tamariki is perhaps more important than many of us realize. Certainly there is enough evidence that parental stress can negatively affect the brain development of…

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